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Abigail Morris

We should stop using palm oil!!!

Angus Robinson

Renewable Energy

Elliott Brownhill

Schooling sustainability

Jack Ashton-Taylor

Global warming: The danger of today!

Jess Jennings

The ocean is perishing and it’s our fault

Max Zhou

Should people look after the environment?

Tilly Zhang

China need a chance to breathe

Alaska Emney

Plastic straws have a big impact on a small world

Aria Nantes

Pollution-free is the way to be

Freddie Sternson

The end is coming...

Issy Ting


Josh Foong

Are solar panels worth the money?

Oli Schwarz

Why the government should place more charging ports for electric cars

Weston Yap

Life under water

Andreas Daian

Do we really need all this plastic?

Calvin Santoso

Do you want to live like this?

Georgia Kartanos

They're not destroying our homes so why are we destroying theirs

Harris Song

How our energy systems are failing our environment

Kaela Haksoz

Plastic is killing our oceans

Oscar Thai

Paradise or Pollution

Zoe De Mestre

Destruction of the Great Barrier Reef

Andrew Nicchia

Global Warming

Charlotte Dajic-Minon

Coal burns. Literally.

Harriet Murray 

What is palm oil really doing to our orang-utans?

Jake Warren

Climate Action

Mahni Hardy-Smith


Rosie Crump


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